Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Woo Hoo!!!

Another .4 gone!!! I was really nervous about my weigh in on Monday because when I had weighed in on Monday morning at home, I was only showing a .2 loss. I was worried after I ate and went about my day, I might show a gain. But, no!! I lost .4 pounds! :D

My goals for this week are to track everything I eat and get at least 2 liters of water a day. I didn't quite hit that 2 liter mark yesterday, but I'm going to make up for at least 1 liter today and aim for 3. If I make it, that's great, and if not, that's fine too. I would like to lose at least 1 pound this week, if not more. I am 1.4 away from my lowest weight so far on WW and I would really love to surpass it. I just know that if I set a goal for 2 pounds and don't make it, I'll be really discouraged and might eat something I don't really need. 1 pound for the week is a much more attainable goal to reach.

I have 13 weeks until the first wedding I'm in. I want to look awesome!! If I lose 1 pound each week, that will put me 4 pounds above my goal. I reached my first mini goal of staying on plan for 2 weeks on Monday. I am going to get my nail polish this weekend. :D Next goal: Average 10,000 steps per day for 3 weeks. So far today, I have 3332 and I haven't gone out for a walk. I think I may need to lower the daily steps for now to 7500 until I can get there on a daily basis for a couple of weeks. Once I hit that, then I can up it to the 10,000. I think that's what I'm going to do. So, my new goal is 7500 steps per day for at least 3 weeks and I can get some new workout shorts. When I get to 10,000 steps per day for at least 3 weeks, I can get a workout shirt to go with them.

I am going to start working on doing some strength training too. At this point, I need to try to stick with dumb bells and my own body resistance. I am going to do push-ups, squats, lunges, biceps curls, shoulder raises, shoulder presses, rows, triceps dips and tricpes extensions. I will work on these things 2 days a week to start out. I am going to do 3 sets of 12 weight exercises and 25 lunges and squats each day. As far as the push-ups are concerned, I am going to do as many as I can without falling on my face! Once I can do 10 fairly easily, I'll start adding a few as needed.

I am much more encouraged with my weight loss over the past two weeks and it just goes to show that journaling really does work!!

Anyway, I need to get back to work. I'll try to post in a couple days.


Marissa said...

Great job on the weigh in!

I think increasing your steps gradually is a good idea. Otherwise, 10000 might just seem too daunting.

Heather said...

Sounds like a good plan with the weights and other strength excercises.

Irish Mom said...

Awesome plan!! I came across your blog at the HYC, welcome!! I think 10,000 steps seem like SOOO much, I just ordered a pedometer, so I guess we'll see lol!!

Anonymous said...

Good plan! Welcome to HYC!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to HYC woo hoo!!

ani pesto said...

Welcome, I'm an HYC newbie too.

The plan sounds like a good one, lowering the step goal then work it up will be far more manageable.

Good luck :)