Thursday, April 10, 2008

Go me!!!

I drank 3 full bottles of water yesterday!!! That's 3 liters!! I am so excited about that! I also walked for an hour yesterday. I walked 30 minutes at work and 30 minutes last night with my husband and daughter. I am so glad the weather is finally warming up so we can enjoy these walks at night.

My plan for today is below.
Breakfast: small banana and weight watchers bagel with lite butter and 1 pack jelly
Snack: 100 calorie packs banana muffins
Lunch: Grilled chicken with sweet potatoes and apples, Weight Watchers yogurt
Snack: Microwave popcorn
Dinner: Pasta with Zesty Pasta sauce and smoked sausage, salad
Water: 3 liters
Exercise: 30 minutes walk at work

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