Friday, April 4, 2008


So yesterday, my husband got some not so good news. He is a route driver for a uniform company. He was informed yesterday that his route is being consolidated with another one and he will no longer have a route. They are making him a jumper, but that means he is basically on call and has no control over his hours. Also, his pay won't be quite as much as it used to be.

When I found out about this, I immediately wanted some chocolate. I went to the little coffee shop down the street looking for a brownie. They were out of brownies, but had chocolate muffins. I bought one of those. Even though it was stale, I ate pretty much the whole thing. Then, I came home, had 3 slices of pillsbury pizza and 2 brown sugar poptarts.

I am so a stress eater!! ugh...I'm pretty disgusted with myself. Oh is a new day.

I had a Weight Watchers bagel with light butter and a banana for breakfast. For my morning snack, I had 1.5 oz cheese and I've had 33.8 oz water already. I'm going out to lunch today, but I'm getting a grilled chicken sandwich and diet coke. I have a Fiber One bar, some grapes, and some microwave popcorn for later if I need all that food. We're going to the in-laws' tonight for dinner so they can spend some time with DD. I'm not sure what she is making, but I'll make it work whatever it is.

I have to go wedding dress shopping with one of my best friends tomorrow morning. She's getting married in August, but just got engaged 2 weeks ago. Her sister couldn't make it into town until this weekend and she didn't want to go without her. I am going to take my water bottle with me tomorrow and keep it in my car (I can't take it into the bridal shop). I will drink at least 33 oz before I head back home. I am going to try to keep myself focused on getting my water in for the rest of the weekend and work on eating lots of fruits and veggies.

I am going to try to take a walk or do some crunches or play with Abby if the urge to eat comes on due to stress this weekend. I need to stay focused!! I am in two weddings in the next 4.5 months and I want to look HOT!!!

My goals for the month of April:
  • Do 100 crunches per day
  • Do 25 squats and 50 lunges per day
  • Walk 4 days per week at lunch
  • Focus on getting 64 ounces of water in EVERY DAY
  • Eat more fruits and veggies

Ultimately, for this month, I'd like to lose 7 pounds this month. Hopefullly, I'll be well on my way at my next weigh in.

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