Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I am SUPER excited!!

I talked to my mother-in-law yesterday afternoon and she told me she got a Total Gym at a garage sale for $20! She doesn't have room for it, but she's going to sell it to us for $20!!! I am so excited about this b/c I don't have to go anywhere to workout now. :D

I've done pretty well with my food today.

Cheerios Oat Crunch cereal with skim milk.
Weight Watchers Chocolate Caramel snack bar.

Jell-O Dulce De Leche Sugar Free pudding

Progresso beef and noodle soup - 4 points
PB&J on homemade hawaiian bread - 5 points
Apple - 1

Yoplait Light Yogurt - 2
Fiber One Bar - 2
Strawberries - 1


I'm not sure...I think Jason thawed some chicken out.

OK, so I'll post again in a couple days. :D


Felicia said...

WOW what a super deal!!! Enjoy your new work outs!!


Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Congrats on the new home gym! (I'm coveting a little, but I'll get over it. *G*)

Don't you just love the Dulce de Leche sugar free pudding? It's got a decadence about it that makes me think I'm having something much bigger. :)

Hope you continue to have such a great week!

Shelley said...

Score! I love being able to work out at home - guess I'm a recluse...but when it is that convenient it is hard to come up with an excuse not to do it.

Debra said...

That's awesome girl...a total gym for $20!!

I also work out at home using dvd's.

Have a great day!